Whole Home Germicidal UVC Systems Bartow, FL
When space is an issue, use the best Germicidal UVC system possible! The BioForce Defender
Germicidal UVC and Oxidation UVV Systems offer a dynamic full line of whole home air
purification systems. They can be directly installed into your air conditioning duct work.
The Dual-Radiant and high intensity UVC lamp works to disinfect the air by neutralizing airborne
pathogens such as bacteria, mold and viruses. Per the EPA, combining filtration and a germicidal
UVC light is an effective way to prevent the proliferation of airborne viruses in your home.
The amount of ultraviolet light micro-watts determine the effectiveness of a germicidal light.
This product will produce 180 microwatts. That is 330% higher than the most common
UVC lamps on the market.
REME HALO® Whole Home Air Purifier Bartow, FL
The Reme Halo is not a conventional UV lamp. It is not simply because of the innovative design,
it is also because of the ability of the Reme Halo to actively improve the air quality in your
home. Most home air cleaning systems are passive or not very effective at seriously reducing
pollutants. This is why the Reme Halo was designed to be better.
It uses proprietary technology as well as an advanced UV light to improve the quality of the air
inside your home. Low levels of hydrogen peroxide are created by our product to circulate
through your system to gently clean it. The Reme Halo kills bacteria, viruses, odors and mold
spores in the air and on surfaces in your home. It Meets the California ozone emissions limit.
Coil Germicidal UVC Systems Bartow, FL
WORLD’S MOST POPULAR HVAC UV LIGHT The Blue-Tube UV light is popular because it is inexpensive, and it WORKS! This Fresh-Aire UV
light even has its own patent. It is a safe yet effective way to clean your coil and help
protect your indoor air quality in your home. Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your
quality of life with this fantastic IAQ product.