How Often Should I Change My Air Filter?
Written by Roman DiCesareWhen it comes to air filters in a residential house, there are many misconceptions and fallacies surrounding when one should change them out. The confusion mainly comes from the lack of a “one size fits all” answer, because everyone's air conditioning system and houses are different. Some of these factors range from whether someone has pets, smokes, or has allergies, and many others.
Although there isn't a definitive answer to how often you should change your air filter, we are going to give a general breakdown that will apply to a majority of households.
First and foremost, air filters are rated using MERVs (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values) which relate to a filter's ability to capture and filter air. Generally speaking, the higher the MERV rating the better the air filter is at keeping the air clean; BUT this doesn't mean that you should go out and purchase the highest-rated air filter you can find. Air filters rated between 14 and 20 are used in hospitals and other highly sanitized locations which require exceptional air quality and containment of small particles.
The recommended MERV rating for homes and commercial buildings is between 8 and 13, which still traps harmful particles while also not breaking the bank and needing to be changed very frequently.
Why can't I use the highest-rated filters in my home?
There is no law or rule against it, and if you fit into a special group that needs the best filtration possible then using a higher-rated filter is okay! For the average household though, high MERV filters are going to choke the system and cause more wear and tear in the long run which then leads to breakdowns or an inefficient HVAC system.
How often do I need to change my air filter?
Now that you understand how air filters work, and won't be confused as to which one(s) to buy when you go to the hardware store; you can follow the simple guide below:
Average suburban home with NO pets: Every 3 to 4 months
An average suburban home with ONE dog OR cat: Every 2 months
An average suburban home with MORE than one pet or if an individual has allergies: Every 25-40 days
With this knowledge, you should now be able to make the best call on how often to change your air filter. If you are still confused or just want a professional to help, Citrus Air Conditioners of Bartow, FL is here to help!
Contact us today to learn how we can help you!